September 10, 2008

it smells like rain

it seems as though i have a theme of scent going along with this blog type thing. i can't help it... smells are so key in triggering my memories, feelings and ideas. i was washing the dishes today and reminiscing about the past few days. it started to rain and get windy... rain in bishop? weird. the wet air reminded me of how quickly the autumn is coming and quickly the summer is leaving. the first smell of rain reminds me of halloween, starting school again, breaking out the winter wear and putting away the shorts and tank tops. it reminded me of drinking hot chocolate and wearing my galoshes. i miss those memories, for sure, but the prospect of making new and extremely different ones is exciting.

aside from the scent theme of this blog, it seems as though the theme of life here in bishop so far has been something like: "goddamn how did i get to be so lucky? and why is my life so good?"

not bad huh?

aside from the normal and inevitable twists and turns of life, the comings and goings of loved ones, and the desire for what is comfortable i'd have to say that life has been pretty god damn good. a few nights ago i came back from a little evening bouldering to a huge home cooked meal consisting of a delicious steak, mashed potatoes, corn salad etc... all prepared by the boys of the house. we sat around a home baked pie and went on for hours about how good life was. how dare the usgs force us out into the mountains to go backpacking and get paid! how dare my boss make us take a mandatory day off to go climbing. how dare they supply us with a sweet house?! it is preposterous! the NERVE!

honestly, how did i get so lucky as to find such a great job with such great people? this past weekend is a testament to how awesome everything comes together. a short day of work led to a late afternoon rope swing/swimming hole session followed by evening bouldering and then delicious food and great company (indluding our hilarious land lord). then the weekend began with a trip out to the mountains for a full day of climbing and an evening in lee vining for hours of crazy dancing, delicious food, amazing music, and a night adventure to remember... which included driving around the desrt looking for hot springs, almost running out of gas and laying out in the freezing cold at 2am huddled together staring at the crystal clear starry sky. a miserable scrunched up session of 4 people pretending to sleep in one car ended day one. then up bright and early the next day to finally find the hot springs, eat a massive breakfast and go climbing alllllll freaking day again.

and monday begins... with a trio backpacking trip from devils postpile to tuolome meadows. done in less than two days. damn... it has been good. time for rest and relaxation, then off to vegas for soil sampling during the day and climbing in the evening... of course. red rocks here i come!

it gets better.... ;)

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